Top Recommended Programming Languages for AI

Though Android developers have the option to work with Kotlin as well, Java is a native language for Android app development. Building artificial intelligence into your software requires a certain skill set, and on that note, an adjacenct tech stack, for development to run smoothly. So, if you are interested in AI and Deep Learning, […]

Though Android developers have the option to work with Kotlin as well, Java is a native language for Android app development. Building artificial intelligence into your software requires a certain skill set, and on that note, an adjacenct tech stack, for development to run smoothly. So, if you are interested in AI and Deep Learning, keep reading to find out which programming language is right for you. The first version of Julia was officially introduced to the programming space in 2018 and has steadily been gaining popularity ever since.

  • Developers cherish Python for its simple syntax and object-oriented approach to code maintainability.
  • There’s also memory management, metaprogramming, and debugging for efficiency.
  • If you want pure functionality above all else, Haskell is a good programming language to learn.
  • C++ also offers a lot of library support for machine learning.
  • Flux is a major machine learning and AI stack written for Julia.
  • This programming language is useful for general tasks but works best with numbers and data analysis.

Other popular AI programming languages include Julia, Haskell, Lisp, R, JavaScript, C++, Prolog, and Scala. Python development is also one of the fastest-growing
languages in popularity and employment opportunities. You can use Python
development in various AI applications, including natural language processing
(NLP), machine learning, deep learning, and robotics.

Use AI in Your Next Project

The following are the programming languages that you should learn. You can learn these languages from the Udemy website which offers thousands of courses according to your level and preference. Hello guys, if you want to do AI Development or want to create Artificial Intelligence based apps and looking for best programming language then you have come to the right place. Julia is especially helpful for scientific computing and data analysis.

KX dials up ‘telco-grade’ generative AI – ERP Today

KX dials up ‘telco-grade’ generative AI.

Posted: Fri, 19 May 2023 18:48:44 GMT [source]

It is, however, a high-performance and widely used programming language capable of complex procedures for a wide range of activities and platforms. Some developers love using LISP because it’s fast and allows for rapid prototyping and development. LISP and AI go way back — it was developed in the 1950s as a research platform for AI, making it highly suited for effectively processing symbolic information. The TensorFlow.js demo section provides a list of examples of AI programs and their accompanying code, all running in-browser.

More from javinpaul and Javarevisited

However, you can still find numerous questions like what is a lisp language because it remains the parent language of AI. If you want pure functionality above all else, Haskell is a good programming language to learn. Getting the hang of it for AI development can take a while, due in part to limited support.

best programming language for ai

LISP isn’t the most frequently used AI programming language in a modern context, but that doesn’t mean it’s not used at all. OpenCV offers an in-depth documentation guide to help programmers get up to speed with how to use C++ in your artificial intelligence projects. There are many different modules and algorithms available, including object detection, analyzing motion or object tracking in video and machine learning.


Some of the features that make Julia great for AI programming include a built-in package manager and support for parallel and distributed computing. It has multiple high-level tools and libraries for machine learning. A good example is TensorFlow.js, which runs directly within the browser and opens up many possibilities for web developers.

Like Java and JavaScript, programmers who are already familiar with this language will find it easier to add ML to their repertoire as opposed to learning an entirely new language. Its popularity is now stretching into machine learning applications, including random number generation. The most high-profile best programming language for ai project written in JS is perhaps Google’s Tensorflow.js. Tensorflow is a platform that helps users implement best practices for data automation, performance monitoring, and the retraining of a variety of tools. It is one of the technologies powering Facebook’s face recognition tool, DeepFace.

Designing Microservices for your organization? Follow these design principle to create a robust and scalable Microservices

The java community is rich and active, allowing plenty of support for new developers and creative enrichment for seasoned developers across the world. Just like Java, JavaScript is also an ideal match for AI development. However, it is used to develop more secure and dynamic websites. While Python is suitable for developers who don’t like coding, JavaScript is for those who don’t mind it. With all these features and many others, Python has become one of the best languages for AI development. Mobile app developers are well-aware that artificial intelligence is a profitable application development trend.

Does AI require coding?

Programming Skills

The first skill required to become an AI engineer is programming. To become well-versed in AI, it's crucial to learn programming languages, such as Python, R, Java, and C++ to build and implement models.

Be sure your data has been checked, cleaned and organized according to any specified requirements. Okay, here’s where C++ can shine, as most games use C++ for AI development. That’s because it’s a fast language that can be used to code high-performance applications. However, there are also games that use other languages for AI development, such as Java.

Explore What You Can Create With AI Programming

The main reason why C++ is so popular among AI developers is that it offers a lot of flexibility. This makes it easier for developers to create applications with fewer bugs and more features than other programming languages. In addition, C++ gives developers more control over their code than other languages, such as Java. Another highly reliable object-oriented programming language that has vast applications in AI development is C++. Its rapid processing speed makes it of particular interest to complex machine learning models as it allows them to run with high efficiency. It generates a compact code allowing modules to run with high efficiency.

best programming language for ai

The Rust programming language is
one of the most popular languages for developing AI solutions. The answer to this question depends on the scope of your AI project and your personal preferences as a programmer. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to learn multiple programming languages for AI development, but it can be beneficial depending on the project you are working on. That being said, many AI projects can be completed using just one programming language, such as Python or R. It ultimately comes down to the specific requirements of your project and your own personal preferences as a developer.

C++ Code for AI

Building your knowledge of browser-based AI applications can help you build next-generation AI-focused browser tools. Below, we’ll discuss the most widely used and desired programming languages for artificial intelligence. These languages include Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, Julia and LISP. Prolog (general core, modules) is a logic programming language from the early ’70s that’s particularly well suited for artificial intelligence applications. Its declarative nature makes it easy to express complex relationships between data.

  • It has advanced features such as type classes that enable type-safe operator overloading.
  • If poor-quality data is fed into the system, it’s unlikely to produce the desired results.
  • Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman initially created R in 1993 to implement a language that focused on statistical computation and graphical modeling.
  • Artificial Intelligence has far-reaching applications in numerous areas such as customer service, marketing, ecommerce, education, travel, and even hospitality.
  • With libraries like jQuery, React.js, and Underscore.js, AI development becomes more effective.
  • Developed in the 1960s, Lisp is the oldest programming language for AI development.

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